const 关键词在C/CPP中也是一个类似于static一样,经常出现,且作用往往不止一种,在面试中经常被问及的关键词。我们从其修饰的对象角度来分析。


int d = 4;
const int a = 5;   /* the content of variable cannot be change */
int * const b = &d; /* the variable pointer itself cannot be change */
const int * const c = &d; /* the content and the pointer both cannot be changed */

int * const b = &a  /*Compiler Error: a is const variable, while b is not, cannot
                     convert from const int to int */



1. 当用const放在末尾修饰类成员函数时,其表明该函数不能够改变类成员的值,如下:

using namespace std;
class A {
        A(int a) {
            e = a;
        int e;
        void const_fun(int a) const;

void A::const_fun(int a) const {
    cout<<"I am const function, cannot change variable content"<<endl;
    e = a;  /* Compiler Error: cannot change value of member variable */

int main() {
    return 0;

2. 当用于修饰成员函数返回值时,则表示该函数范围值不能用于左值,如下例所示:

const classA operator*(const classA& a1,const classA& a2);
(a * b) = c;  /* cannot assigned to the return value of * operator */