1. Configuration
client configuration没有什么区别,只要按照isso的官网来就行。
; database location, check permissions, automatically created if not exists
dbpath = /var/www/isso/data/comments.db
; your website or blog (not the location of Isso!)
; host = http://example.tld/
; you can add multiple hosts for local development
; or SSL connections. There is no wildcard to allow
; any domain.
host = XXX
notify = smtp //有评论是通知方式,基本两种,stdout或者邮件。
reply-notifications=true // 是否作者回复时notify评论者
listen = http://localhost:9000/ // Isso的本地端口。
enabled = true // 是否进行评论审核,防止垃圾评论。
purge-after = 30d
username = lengerfulluse@gmail.com
password = XXX
host = smtp.gmail.com // SMTP地址
port = 465 // ssl port,当前isso不支持tls协议端口
security = ssl
to = lengerfulluse@gmail.com
from = "饮 水"<isso@hengwei.me>
timeout = 10
2. Troubleshooting
SMTPAuthenticationError: (534, '5.7.14
<https://accounts.google.com/ContinueSignIn?sarp=1& scc=1&plt=stsnlll\n5.7.14
j4_5F kw> Please log in via your web browser and then try again.\n5.7.14
Learn more at https://s upport.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=787\n5.7.14
23 d26d88119.25 - gsmtp')
如果你确认用户名密码没有输入错误的话,你需要确认你没有使用2-factor authentication,然后Disable CAPTCHA。
1 . 登录gmail邮箱
2 . 点击DisplayUnlockCaptcha页面
3 . 点击Continue,会看见下面的message
Account access enabled Please try signing in to your Google account again from your new device or application.
4 . 重新启动isso -c isso.cfg run
[1] Isso Official Documentation.
[2] Python SMTP Troubleshooting.